Patterns In Functional Programming

last modified: November 23, 2013

Patterns in Functional Programming is the title of a book being written by JeremyGibbons (see LambdaTheUltimate).

So far there is a blog at (This points to the latest entry in January 2012).

The first entry is here:

There are quite a lot of interesting things here including a lot of references to papers. The book has not yet been finished. I am implementing some of the ideas in CeePlusPlus using FC++ (see FunctoidsInCpp) -- JohnFletcher

This related entry on LambdaTheUltimate has an interesting comment on the TransfoldPattern which is part of the FunctionalPatternSystemForObjectOrientedDesign of ThomasKuehne.

CategoryBook CategoryFunctionalProgramming
