Thankfully, patterns are out of the wow and accepted as part of the programming toolset. -- RodneyRyan
Unfortunately, patterns are often overused.
Hogwash. Other than the well-written and insightful articles by JoshuaKerievsky on the overuse of specific "popular" patterns in certain instances (namely Command), please provide any examples where patterns have been used too much. I instead find with ENORMOUS frequency instances where people say that they are using patterns, but in fact are not. Facade is my favorite example of this, as I see people stating that they are employing the FacadePattern but in fact have no framework or subsystem underneath the putative Facade object... --KyleBrown
You are right, I wanted to say what you have said. I instead find with ENORMOUS frequency instances where people say that they are using patterns, but in fact are not. Also, patterns are often used inappropriately, in contexts where they are not needed. E.g. using of the VisitorPattern instead of better class hierarchy.
Oh, yes -- been there, done that one. Not particularly on Visitor, but I often see patterns used outside of the context where they are needed. My favorite is Strategies with only a single Strategy... Here the principle of YouArentGoingToNeedIt often applies. --KyleBrown
Perhaps, people who use patterns in this way do not adhere to the OoDesignPrinciples and the YouArentGoingToNeedIt principle and do not strive for the QualityWithoutaName.