Pattern Ladder

last modified: December 30, 2003

A hierarchal ranking of patterns, divided by necessity.

What is a PatternLadder? The above is too vague. Ranked by what? Divided how? What kinds of necessity? What's an example?

A PatternLadder is different from a PatternSolver

Incidentally, "Pattern Ladder" does return hits on google(check the GameOfGo presentation). However I think this is an attempt to give a name to something as yet unnamed. Similar to LadderLogic, but for patterns. --LayneThomas

Did you actually look? The word "ladder" does not appear on GameOfGo according to control-F FIND in Internet Explorer. I re-tried google search for "pattern ladder", including the quotes, and yes, it returned 4 pages of hits, but no, not a single one was apropos. E.g. it is a term used in describing Damascus knives, but that doesn't help. Most of the rest of the hits were accidental, e.g. "...ladder, pattern..." And on a GO page it discussed static patterns, then dynamic pattern followed by tab, followed by ladder. Just because there are results returned by google doesn't mean any of them are useful unless you looked.

I was referring to the hit returned from google, not the GameOfGo wiki page. The google hit is a powerpoint presentation describing a logical ladder approach. However Ladder, when referring to a flowchart that leads to a destination, is a common term. See LadderLogic

Ok, it wasn't named before, and now it is. But WHAT is being named???

A PatternLadder is a hierarchy of patterns, whereas a PatternSolver is a heuristic/logic based approach to finding an optimal pattern?
