Let's play the PatternDictionaryGame!
Here's how it is played:
- Get a large dictionary
- Gather bored developer(s).
- For single points, pick 1 random word, and describe how that word could be a pattern(anti's are ok)
- For double points, pick 2 random words, join them together, and describe how both orderings could be an architecture/model(anti's are ok)
- For triple points, pick 3 random words, join them together, and describe how (any)three orderings could be a methodology/technique
- If playing in a group, everyone votes(not for themselves) - the best one wins that round.
-- LayneThomas
example: Two random words: Postage and Tender
So two names for an architecture: TenderPostage and PostageTender
- TenderPostage: A delayable messaging system that uses CRC's and redundancy to both validate messages and reconstruct if necessary
- PostageTender: A messaging system that charges micropayments upon delivery
another example: Three random words: Biding, Lizard, and Cosy
So three names for a methodology/technique: CosyBidingLizard, BidingLizardCosy, and. . how about LizardCosyBiding
- CosyBidingLizard: A developer technique of cosily biding one's time to implement something, because the environment affects the inertia(cold-blooded)
- BidingLizardCosy: A place to put files that come at random interval from an untrusted source.
- LizardCosyBiding: When a developer tries underhanded techniques at making other developers comfortable with waiting to implement something
(I'm not saying these are great, just examples)
See: BeyondTheFormlessForm FiveStarProgrammer SingleNamePatternsCreateConflicts