A sport combining HideAndSeek, CaptureTheFlag, and compressed air. The teams are equipped with airguns that fire a .68cm diameter gelatin ball filled with nontoxic water-based paint. If you are hit with a paintball, you are out of that game, and the object is to eliminate the other team, and/or capture their flag. Other variants of the game exist, both indoors and out, to suit nearly any taste.
Two universal truths of PaintBall are that when you play for the first time, the paint balls hurt a lot more than you think they do beforehand (but they're not painful), and it is inevitable that you will get paint in a squicky area of your body, no matter how well protected you are. Getting nailed in the face mask results in either being blinded or tasting paint, usually both. And paint ball paint tastes gross. --DanMoniz
No worse than BadCoffee --PeteHardie
A (hypothetical) application of paintball while driving on the highway is explored as one way of fixing the TimeAndAttentionBrokenEconomy.
Paintball Wikis exist at: http://pb.cowgar.com/ or http://www.paintball.biz/
See also ExtremePaintball