Page Seeder

last modified: May 2, 2003

PageSeeder is a web annotation tool.

The PageSeeder Server is written in Java so that it can be installed on Windows and UNIX servers.

It employs:

Online Review which can be done using a standard web browser or a full version of Acrobat 5 for PDF documents. No other plug-ins are required.

Offline Review which can be done using email submission of comments or Acrobat 5 offline annotations.

Internet or Intranet networks which can be used with the PageSeeder Server as it uses standard HTTP and SMTP for all communications.

University Site - Comparison of some annotation tools. Complete with thumbnails, example uses. See at:

A National Health Occupational Health and Safety Site - Notes on what PageSeeder is and what it does:

''Introduction to PageSeeder

PageSeeder is a system that allows threaded discussions to occur at multiple points throughout web pages. This is particularly useful for on-line reviewing of documents. It allows people to be registered for a discussion group so that they can access the pages and receive email notification of new postings. It also allows a group editor to create and modify new web pages and upload them to the discussion area. Below are some links to further information on PageSeeder.

PageSeeder Tour and Demos After following this link click on Guided Tour to view the PageSeeder tour or brochure. You can also click on Try PageSeeder to practice posting a comment.

Adding and reading comments More detailed information on reading PageSeeder comments and on how to add your own comments by web form or email.

Managing your own group If you are an NOHSC staff member and are interested in running your own PageSeeder group you should contact your IT section for more information. Below are some links to information for people managing their own groups.

Managing a group This explains how to add, change and delete members of a group and set up moderators, contributors and editors. Also how to change group details such as the welcome message.

Uploading existing HTML or PDF files Describes how to upload files and associated graphics to PageSeeder. Also how to create links to new files in a web site.

Other support documentation This is a link to the support area on the PageSeeder site containing all the support documentation.''

For more and to use the mentioned links see from:

More on this tool and other related tools:


