Outlining Software

last modified: August 30, 2014

Outlining Software is designed to capture a user's data entry and let the user flexibly categorize and link the information at a later time (or do it right away as the user enters the information).

See also: http://outliners.scripting.com/ .

An outliner should:

-- SamHahn


Yes. Ecco, by Arabesque Software (acquired by NetManage, then run into the ground, last at v4.01?) is a Win16 app I still run on XP (successfully!), that has probably the best outliner capabilities in Windows. Not the equal of More (on Mac, from Living VideoText, derivative of ThinkTank), but acceptable. Unfortunately, a PIM cluttered the product somewhat... (SamHahn)

Another fine Mac OS X outliner is the aptly named OmniOutliner http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omnioutliner/ and, of course, there's always EmacsOutlineMode. -- RobertDaeley

Outliners for the Palm

See also TreeEditor.

Discuss outliners at http://www.outlinersoftware.com .

