TextEditors which treat documents as hierarchies:
- Leo [http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html]
- TreePad [http://www.treepad.com/]
- JreePad [http://jreepad.sourceforge.net/]
- skwyrul [http://www.pebble-software.com/skwyrul.htm]
- keynote [http://www.tranglos.com/free/index.html]
- Ecco Pro [http://www.eccowiki.com]
- InfoSelect [http://www.miclog.com/is/index.shtml]
- Note Pad 2000 PE [http://tausoft.net-burg.org/np2000_pe_eng.htm]
- MagicViews [http://www.eccomv.com]
- Maple/Maple Pro [http://www.crystaloffice.com]
- FreeMind [http://freemind.sourceforge.net/]
- ToDoList [http://www.codeproject.com/tools/ToDoList2.asp?target=todo]
- Lyx [http://www.lyx.org]
Please expand on this concept of documents treated as hierarchies.
Would an outline-enabled text editor qualify for this list? NoteTab Pro is a text editor that can produce a distinct document type for outlines (docname.otl) which has behaviors not found in docname.txt type documents.
--NoteTab is great; I've used it for years. Its outlining capabilities are limited to one level however. This is promised to be extended to multiple levels in v.5, for which we have been waiting...for years.