One Decade Wiki

last modified: September 21, 2014

Hmm. Might be a good premise for a conference. Who would attend?

WikiHistory talks about what happened with this particular Wiki.

Still under construction (wait another year, please) (Or maybe two or three, come to think of it)

The above was stated before 2006 March. Seems it's time to start our OneDecadeWiki page.

Sounds like a John Cage project. -- VodkaPoet

This is linked from OneYearWiki where the reader was asked to reflect on a year of experience of wiki.

So here I am thinking to reflect on more than 10 years of wiki. Why am I still coming here? Why do I care enough to do various maintenance chores week by week so that the ChangesInMonth stay in order? What do I get from this? Enough to keep on coming. -- JohnFletcher

