An ObjectSystem is a collection of interacting and static logical 'objects'. In a traditional OperatingSystem, this would include processes, the scheduler, files in the FileSystem, DeviceDrivers, and so on. In a broader sense, it could include WebPage, external services (or even 'service clouds'), etc.
As with objects in the real world, what constitutes 'an' object in an ObjectSystem depends upon both the distinctions we (as observers) wish to make and the degree to which the system interface conveniently supports manipulating a 'view' as a single object. (As an example: just because we can logically treat the 10th byte of every file in a particular directory as an organized collection-object with certain mutable properties doesn't mean the tools available to us allow us to do so in practice.)
One would generally discuss an ObjectSystem in the context of an ObjectBrowser, much as one discusses a FileSystem in the context of a file or directory 'browser'. In this case the ObjectSystem constitutes a set of browseable objects.
See Also: FileSystem, OperatingSystem, ObjectBrowser