Object Code

last modified: December 9, 2004

Object code refers to code or files which:

In addition, files which are archives of other object code files (such as Unix .a and .sa files, Windows .lib files, COM assemblies, Java .jar files, DotNet assemblies) can, for most intents and purposes, be considered object code (even if the archive file is or can be used for other things--.jar files are really .zip files, the Unix archive tool can be used to archive anything and not just object files).

When object code is targeted for a CPU's instruction set ("machine code"), it frequently (but not always) can be subdivided further as follows:

When object code is IntermediateLanguage, many of the above distinctions vanish. There is no such thing as static linking in Java; all linking in Java is done by the class loader. The only difference between an executable and non-executable Java class is the presence of "public static void main(String[])" in the class definition.

