North Texas Patterns Group

last modified: August 4, 2011

THIS NorthTexasPatternsGroup IS NOT ACTIVELY meeting. - If you are interested in helping make this group active again, I encourage you to join and post to the mailing list

The mailing list address is

This is the local patterns group in North Texas (the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex).

To subscribe to the Majordomo mailing list, send e-mail to with ONLY the following single line of text in the body (NOT the subject line) of the message:

subscribe ntx-patterns

Upon subscribing, you will receive instructions on how to use the mailing list.

To unsubscribe to the Majordomo mailing list, send e-mail to with ONLY the following single line of text in the body (NOT the subject line) of the message:

unsubscribe ntx-patterns

NOTE: If your current e-mail address does not exactly match the e-mail address as you are subscribed, the above command will fail. You will need to specify the exact address like this: unsubscribe ntx-patterns

This document is also stored at

FYI: The patterns home page:

We typically meet on the second Tuesday and first Wednesday of each month.

The Tuesday group is on hiatus and isn't actively meeting

*TBD* In hiatus



A good introduction to some object-oriented concepts and terms may be found in the publications section of Object Mentor's web site that contains many very good papers by Robert Martin:

There were some questions about patterns and frameworks. There are a number of papers available on the "hillside" site at:

There is a lot of good stuff there but, for starters, you may find these worthwhile:

CategoryGroup CategoryPatternsGroup
