Noo Wiki

last modified: March 1, 2012

NooWiki is a site for collaboration for you and me. The name NooWiki is derived from NooSphere? a term originally used by PierreTeilhardDeChardin a philosopher of a hundred years ago. The NooSphere is the mental and spiritual space, which is part of our great kosmos and where all humans partly live in. In this sense, NooWiki provides a space where we can share our thoughts about everything - profane and spiritual, concrete and abstract, technical and philosophical, wiki and wiki;-) The ultimate goal is the unification resp. integration of all Internet Technologies to build a NewGenerationWeb for Collaboration, KnowledgeInterChange, a SemanticWeb.

Remote Wiki URL:

Now integrated in a Plone CMS.


Can anyone get the above to make sense? I couldn't understand the question mark, misspelt cosmos, "wiki and wiki", "partly live in", and various other things.

It's pretty simple. The 'k' in 'kosmos' is parallel to 'The ultimate goal is the unification resp. integration of all Internet Technologies to build a NewGenerationWeb for Collaboration, KnowledgeInterChange, a SemanticWeb'... he's a Kommie. ;)

All that to explain one letter?


How does a "K" in some sentence account for a spelling change in a separate word?

It doesn't - isn't that hilarious? :D

NooWiki contains lots of links, some quite handy, but not much else. It's annoyingly slow at times.

The question mark must be the key to the whole thing, I guess. The rest makes sense:

The Kosmos contains the cosmos (or the physiosphere), the bios (or biosphere), nous (the noosphere), and theos (the theosphere or divine domain) - none of these separately being foundational. This holistic view was held by the great ancient philosophers right through to Hegel. And, happily, work in Holistic Science and the new philosophical paradigm, Deep Ecology, has led in part to systems thinking, to ecological thinking, and to thinking directed towards a new organic worldview. We are slowly returning to Kosmos! And towards a new, greater affirmation of self in relation to the universe! [see Ken Wilber's SEX, ECOLOGY, SPIRITUALITY: THE SPIRIT OF EVOLUTION, Shambhala, 1995, sections on Kosmos.]

wiki and wiki seems to be a nested rhetoric phrase, let's call it an equalized termination of the polarized enumeration. Or perhaps it is somehow related to the Rastafarian "I and I" (cf. ). (Or, more seriously, the random question mark and the awkward wording in the opening paragraph on this page bear the marks of text generated by BabelFish.)

partly live in probably means that the human consciousness isn't consisting completely of thoughts, the "matter" of the NooSphere.

CategoryWiki CategorySemanticWeb
