Non Top Anonymous Donor

last modified: February 6, 2012

Many see unsigned criticism of OOP and other certain topics and automatically assume it is from TopMind, a frequent OO critic. However, not all OO criticism is from TopMind. It is an issue because TopMind has been accused of inserting his opinions in too many topics, so criticism accounting appears to be necessary to verify and correct this accusation.

If a better tag or an alternative can be found, then DeleteWhenCooked.

TopMind could sign his posts TopMind. ;->

Maybe if I did it for every last one from the beginning then it might be clear. But I have not. I'm open to useful alternatives, but that's not one, to be frank.

This page is stupid. Anyone can be, and frequently are, anonymous on this Wiki. Who the H*ll cares? The content or comment should and does stand on its own, to say otherwise is discrimination. A comment should not be treated differently when the author is known to be a certain person or not. I notice that there is a huge barrier in communication on this Wiki because of language and cultural differences. I grow tired of discrimination and hen-pecking of certain individuals. In other words, ignorance and depravity.

People do make distinctions, for good or bad. This topic was created to reduce repeated confusion over identity. It is intended to solve a repeating actual problem. Sometimes it's just easier to create a marker than to change people or nag them repeatedly.

By "topic" do you mean Table Oriented Programming Integrated Circuit, a new computer (HaHaOnlySerious) that processes tables as if they were machine code? --NonTopAnonymousDonor

I'm not sure that's a spoof question. There are certain statements that appear to be from me, but are really not, and people sometimes jump on me based on them. I simply wish to make it clear that I didn't make the given statement.

