Pseudo-french for an online name/nickname; in particular one which an individual is heavily invested in (as opposed to a throwaway name). Examples of such on this Wiki include TaralDragon, RiVer, PhlIp, TorneWuff.
Some rules of thumb:
- Is the name, although unconventional, a legal name or alias which you use online (in addition to using in other forums)? If yes, it's a NomDeNet.
- Is the name one which is your primary online name, which you use everywhere online in preference to your "legal" name (except for those websites that disallow/discourage the use of anything but a legal name)? If yes, it's probably a NomDeNet.
- Is it a name you only use in certain forums (one name in IRC, another name on UseNet, another name in YahooGroups)? If yes, probably not a NomDeNet.
- Is it a name you use to hide your real identity (including for legitimate reasons, such as being able to comment on your employer without getting sacked)? If yes, probably not a NomDeNet.
- Is it a "throwaway" name, used to affect or create a different persona, a SockPuppet, etc? Is it a name that you haven't used for very long, and are likely to replace in the near future? If yes to either, not a NomDeNet.
- Are you trying to impersonate someone else? Definitely not a NomDeNet.
NomDeNet means you're well known by it; a handle might be something that you dreamed up five minutes ago. Lothie's my NomDeNet, for instance; I've been using it on the 'Net for 20 years now. Just my take. -- LothieBelle
OK, so to use myself as an example, I use katascope (including as my "public face" to the net (including other sites like winamp, SlashDot, flipcode, etc), because a handle seems more appropriate on those sites. Here I use my real name as a professional courtesy because handles seem inappropriate here. . . . but that's a personal choice - mainly because i would feel silly telling programmers call me katascope. So perhaps the real question is when are real names vs handles appropriate (not on this wiki, but in general)? -- LayneThomas
- As you've said, it depends on the context. My usual NomDeNet is engineer_scotty, which I don't use here as a courtesy to this site--not because this site seems "professional" but because the site explicitly asks for RealNamesPlease. Pretty much everywhere else I go online, I use it. I don't use engineer_scotty at all in professional/legal circles; nor do I use it with family and friends; it's strictly a NomDeNet. However, I have considered using engineer_scotty here as well (EngineerScotty in WikiCase) but so far haven't done so. It's not a big deal to me either way; however it seems curious that the rule is "use RealNamesPlease; but if you choose not to and can get away with it for a while, it's probably OK; lots of folks here use a NomDeNet and that's OK." -- ScottJohnson
I think the point there is that we try to keep this wiki at a professional level (which helps keep the dolts & jerks "away"), and the standard professional approach is to give one's real name. Since this isn't a business or professional organization, people aren't required to, but I imagine the ones that give their real name are afforded more respect as that's just human nature. I always personally felt that using a handle was like a masquerade ball (in forums), someone putting on airs (I am LordDarkAvengerHackerWizard!), a desire for pseudoanonymity(StopSmirkingChimp04), but usually not their nickname. . . I'm not necessarily right, but that was my perception, and likely a common perception. -- LayneThomas
See RealNamesPleaseDiscussion for more.