Niclas Olofsson (1971-08-09), PragmaticProgrammer from SwedenEurope
mobile: +46(70)3036537
home: +46(920)10551
skype: skype:niclas.olofsson
private (old, don't use):
private (old, don't use):
work (old, don't use):
work (old, don't use):
work (old, don't use):
work (old, don't use):
work (old, don't use):
- OSS Development of X3D browser written entirely in C# .NET
Current work:
- 2009.05-current Undefined Freelancer
- 2007.01-2009.05 Senior SystemArchitect
- 2006.01-2007.01 SystemDeveloper
- 2005.02-2005.11 SATCOM (Sgt 1 class), Swedish Armed Forces, ISAF. Afghanistan.
- 2004.01-2004.09 SATCOM Sqd Ldr (Sgt 1 class), Swedish Armed Forces, UNMIL. Liberia, Africa.
- 2000.06-2003.12 SystemArchitect
- 1999.09-2000.05 SystemDeveloper
- 1999.01-1999.08 SystemDeveloper (aka
Education: I did go to the University (96-99). I did attend that university for almost 3 years (Informatics and Computing Science). But I didn't take all that many points. But I did learn the basics of what a higher education should provide, critical thinking. Anyway, I don't worry myself too much about it. So when I got an offer from Austria, I finaly decided to give work a try instead. And I've kept it that way ever since. In the end, I'm a PragmaticProgrammer, and I can prove it.
As a professional: Works mostly with large scale enterprise technology in various forms and on various levels. Specialized within web 3d technology and mobile application development. Takes great interest in SoftwareDevelopment. Regularly plays the role of MajorPainInTheAss for the ItManager. Easily falls into the role of TheCoach and knows how to act ChiefArchitect in product development. Tend to think that I match the description of a PragmaticProgrammer quite well. Sometimes ships with a rather high irritation factor. I don't bother much with prestige, it doesn't give as much back as plain old simple respect.
Knows professionally (things I really really know):
- Enterprise/Component architecture, design and programming in general
- CommonObjectRequestBrokerArchitecture
- EnterpriseJavaBeans
- MicrosoftDotNet (incl. DirectX/Direct3D programming)
- Multiple programming languages (including script-languages)
- VirtualRealityModelingLanguage/X3D (I know this extremely good)
- Multiple platforms (Unix (several), Linux (several), Windows, etc)
- How to enjoy ArchitecturalPatterns and DesignPatterns. And Refactoring!!
- A lot about MobileComputing (JavaMicroEdition, WAP, SMS platforms/protocols, etc).
- Multiple software development methods and models (RUP, ExtremeProgramming, etc).
- Constraint-based programming/thinking (used in advanced optimization and problem solving systems).
- Perforce, perforce perforce! Tried others, can't understand why...
Other Stuff (not so much tech) I Know professionally:
- FieldServiceManagement
- Internet-based VirtualReality
- Optimization.
- Communications.
Special stuff (professional): I'm also a communications specialist in the Swedish Army. Used to be on standby for the Swedish Army's Rapid Reaction Force. I'm a squad leader (rank: sgt 1cl) for a small satellite communications unit. Responsible for setting up and maintaining communications between the force and our command at home (Sweden), whenever we are on a mission in a foreign country. It's a broadband satellite link with both data and voice communications (VoiceIP and POTS). It is state of the art communications equipment and most of it is COTS-ware. Also does GIS and map-related services.
Knows military:
- Satellite communications.
- GIS and map-making.
- Microlink technology.
- Radio (VHF, HF, etc)
When I have time over:
- I've done some OpenSource SoftwareDevelopment projects:
- (obsolete)
- CruiseControl (inactive)
- PerfinPlugin (obsolete)
- SharkyX3D (A C# VRML browser implementation)
- Scrim (A Hessian .NET implementation)
- Practice some IceClimbing (not anymore)
- Reflective thinking in the SwedishMountains, together with me, myself and I, and my family.
When I don't have time over:
I still do a lot of R&D in my head. I constantly have a couple of threads in the back of my head, thinking about things I know (or don't know) will come in the future. This is the way I stay on top of things and keep myself in sync with trends in time. I also devote thread-space to thinking about my own personal goals, keeping track of them at all time.
I still do make sure I'm always having fun.
I still do try to manages stress. I'm not an easily stressed person (I'm an excellent croupier). But I believe very strongly that stress management is a key success factor. In short, the way I manage stress is by following two very simple and basic rules in life:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
What I mean by following this as a rule is that I, at all times, try to encourage myself to ask questions, both to myself and others, hopefully leading to wisdom knowing whenever I can or can't change things..
CircleOfInfluence and CircleOfConcern
Habit 1: Be Proactive, in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey. For a excerpt, please see:
This pretty much goes without comments. It overlaps the above prayer but extends it's context to also include people surrounding you. I believe it is only fair that you should avoid putting people under stress whenever possible. This also follows the XP guideline don't say that you have too little time, say that you have too many things to do.
WikiPages I read over and over and over again:
- TaoOfTheSoftwareArchitect
- TaoOfProgramming
WikiPages I believe I started or feel extra connected to: