New Tool Wish List

last modified: August 29, 2014

Tools or languages you'd like to have or see researched, developed, and/or procrastinated on building yourself. Please try to be polite about others' lists. Feel free to add your own.

TopMind's wish-list (May 2014) :

DaveVoorhis's wish-list (May 2014):

Your Handle Here:

Comments Re: "I want "smart instruments" that are constrained by -- but not restricted by -- rules of harmony, key signatures, rhythm,..." -- I suspect that's highly subjective. I studied chord progressions found on the web to try to tease out "common" rules/patterns, but realized that my own preferences are far from universal. Perhaps one can define some preset styles, such as Hendrix-like, Mozart-like, Gaga-like, etc. But without a reference point, it will be hard to please a general or random audience. -t

Re: "The bloody Twitter and Facebook fads to end." -- It will only progress. See "Time-line of social networks" at PredictTheFuture.

Notably, teenagers and university-age students -- who tend to reflect near-future trends in technology use -- largely eschew Twitter and Facebook (or engage in Facebook in a minimally socially-acceptable fashion without much enthusiasm) in favour of alternatives. There was a time when I had to kick every student off Facebook before starting a lab class. Now I almost never see it, even on mobile devices. Fellow lecturers, however, are often obsessed with it. Students consider Twitter and Facebook to be for "old" people because it's what their parents and teachers use, though Facebook messenger is still quite popular amongst youth due to a perceived lack of equivalently-capable alternatives.

Something new and slightly different will replace them as social time-wasters. Mark my words.

Multiple things already have.


[1] Actually, there's a kind of ranking of the "harmonious" notes per each chord (at least by "western" standards), the chord notes being the "friendliest". The lower the rank, the less time you want to "sit" at them (or have a lower probability of sitting on them long, per style). -t

