Predict The Future

last modified: September 30, 2014

Lets use this page to predict what would happen to technology 1 year from now. I know that it is not easy. But lets try.. The format is as follows:

Prediction: <text goes here>
Date: <date>

It would be fun when we come back to this page after a year!

What kind of technology? I'm having trouble thinking of any technology that will significantly change in the next year. I don't think we're interested in "Moore's Law will continue to apply".

I don't think one year is enough scope - 3 to 5, maybe

Yes, now you're talking.


Interesting p2p (PeerToPeer) router (who could have predicted this?):

What about P2P and obiquitous computing etc... The aim is to find what will click and what will not.

I predict that neither will undergo any significant change in the next year. 2nd of July 2002

Can I second that prediction, and extend it to cover the next five years? 2002-07-02

[Hmm, why hasn't anyone used P2P (PeerToPeer) for browsing content online like a web browser does? Why can't we view P2P content directly in our web browser instead of requesting content just from web servers? Instead of sharing files, actually directly view the content on people's computer in your browser using a P2P web browser or an extension to existing browsers. Some P2P programs allow you to preview the content, but that's still not as convenient as an actual browser with a search engine like Google in it. P2P programs do have search technology in them, but it doesn't let you view the content immediately like a web browser. You have to do several clicks to view the content and it isn't integrated the way I am thinking. I predict in the future that there will be P2P browsers, and not just downloading tools.]

Be careful about the security implications.

[True, security is of great concern. However it would be exactly the same as current p2p tools such as bittorrent and emule. All that would need to be done is modify the software so that instead of having to click and open pop up menus to preview the file, it would instead view the file directly in a pane or panel like a web browser. Sharazza had something similar to this along with kazza where you could preview stuff in a panel, but it still wasn't as easy to use as a regular web browser. Emule, sharazza, and torrent is already a bit unsecure as it is, causing people to get spyware on Windows. P2P is not used much to view HTML content on people's computers. You would only allow people to access the HTML folders that you declared "public". Same goes with JPG's and PNG's. Sure, some people make the mistake of opening up their entire hard drive to the public, but that is true with existing tools like emule too.]

--top - Jan. 2008

(last edited July 9, 2002) -> looks more like ThePast

Damn! They invented time travel too?

One near-term invention that may change the world would be good computer-assisted translation such that people could read and talk to different cultures with much greater ease. It could be unsettling for some of the more stagnant parts of the world, triggering something even bigger than the Arab Spring. Sure, there are online translators, but they still mostly suck. Oct-2011 --top

Time-line of social networks:

Pheromones > SmokeSignals > Phone > AOL > Friendster > Myspace > Facebook > SpaceFace > Cylon > Borg > c7a415b7032bc473 > Q > God > Emacs

See TheFuture, TwoPanelSmartPhone

CategoryTime, CategoryFuture
