The GetOverIt page notes a slew of injustices, and says to just get over it. That is, it recommends that we stop whining about it and accept the way of things. To surrender.
That's just plain wrong.
If something is wrong, obviously wrong, bleedingly wrong, to GetOverIt is to let the wrongdoers win. Worse, it is to let the wrongness get entrenched in society so, not only is it there, nobody realizes it's wrong anymore because everybody's been trained that way.
To NeverGetOverIt, to shout about it, demonstrate about it, and generally to be a big pain in the ass about it, can get results. Sometimes it has to be backed up by force, but even then, all the shouting becomes a point of resistance and a place to amass that force.
Things that happened because people never got over it:
- Magna Carta (British Independence from the British Monarchy?)
- US independence from the British Monarchy.
- Indian independence from the British Monarchy.
- Abolition of slavery, and the returning of civil rights to dark-skinned people in the United States.
- Overturning of Apartheid in South Africa
The world can be a pretty crummy place to live. You can change it, especially with the help of a million close friends.
-- Thanks, all quite true but you seemed to have missed the irony in the GetOverIt page. I missed it, and I GetOverIt
Examples of things that are entrenched in our society because we were too quick to GetOverIt: paid-parking systems designed to maximize violations to enable local governments to do the parking ticket shakedown.
Some would see it as a means of making it possible for a greater number of people to use scarce resources (parking space). This occurs in areas not regulated by provision of parking space for occupants that zoning requirements mandate. You can blame your great-great-grandparents for not anticipating the usage of single-occupancy transportation devices of excessive size. Perhaps such areas could utilize the new Segway concept, where a single individual is transported by the SimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork. (A SimpleMinded observation) The alternative to GetOverIt and NeverGetOverIt is to SolveTheProblem.
If I recall correctly, the MagnaCarta is actually more of a list of tax breaks for the nobility then any 'declaration of independence from the monarch' (although it does set some sort of precedence I'm sure); the equivalent of that is more likely to be Charles the 1st's arrest and execution for treason.