Natural Law

last modified: May 24, 2000

NaturalLaw. The laws of nature. Simplicity, elegance, application of creativity and intelligence (all at once or accumulated over time in little steps :) to solve problems efficiently. Lots and lots of creativity. Evolution is a good example: the spider is an incredible engineering design feat of such elegance and efficiency. NaturalLaw: not to be confused with God :)

Application of NaturalLaw is at every level of the Universe. QuantumMechanics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Evolution, Communities, Governments, WorldGovernment, SolarSystem, Universe, Universes, the whole damn lot. NaturalLaw expresses the interactions in one level and also the interactions with levels below and above it (think ChaosTheory and those pretty-looking fractal diagrams we're all fond of staring at into infinity).

Basic concepts that come out of NaturalLaw: 1) The Unifying field between electro-magnetic field, gravitational field, weak force and strong force is Intelligence [yeah, i know: weird, huh? :)]. 2) No information can EVER be supressed. Not fucking ever. It's going to take some people a long time to realise this, and that is THEIR problem [not mine, and not yours]. 3) The power of thought [intelligence] to create is Absolute. Think about something enough and it WILL happen. Don't think about it [ever] and it CANNOT happen.

key-words: ChaosTheory. LagrangeTheorem. InformationTheory.

A couple of points pointed out by Hyrum Smith in Ten Essential Laws of Time and Life Management:
