My Mind Is Made Up

last modified: September 27, 2014

Don't even bother trying to persuade me of your silly little wrong opinions. I know better than to fall for those old arguments. MyMindIsMadeUp.

Actually brings up the old classification of minds:

Of course, the above two are a FalseDichotomy, because they are not the only two choices. There is also:

(Is ActiveMind the same as SelectivelyOpenMinded )

I can entertain any idea that walks through the door. With some, however, I count my good silver right after they leave. --RobMandeville

This introductory line is an expression of those who do not want to think about what is or what is to become.

The mindset disallows the opinions, truly or falsely based, that discomfort their own status quo. When expressed in the wiki, it is a thinly veiled deception - not unlike the closing lines of Gone with the Wind.

See also: MyMindKeepsWandering.
