Multiple Document Interface

last modified: September 30, 2003

MultipleDocumentInterface is a Windows term for an application in which several documents can be open at a time within sub-windows of the main application window.

An alternative would be a SingleDocumentInterface, in which each application window can contain only one document, but there can be multiple application windows open on the screen to display several documents at once.

Note that the Macintosh interface (OS 9 and OS X) is neither SingleDocument nor MultipleDocument; rather, it's a sort of blend of both, because there is only one menu bar for the entire application but each document window is independent.

MultipleDocumentInterface is often preferable because:

MultipleDocumentInterface is often not preferable because:

MS encouraged developers to use MultipleDocumentInterface, then they told developers to use SingleDocumentInterface because MDI was too confusing; now I think they're back to MDI again.
