Multi Paradigm Database Criticism

last modified: December 1, 2014

Continued from MultiParadigmDatabase

(TRDBMS = Traditional RDBMS, AKA Oracle and MS-SQL-Server style)

"Type" enforcement is generally through trigger-like constraints and validation. For example, integer could be enforced using a rule that only allows digits and no decimals. (Pre-defined types generally tend to favor specific languages, which we want to avoid. But for optimization purposes, how stuff is stored internally does not change the basic qualities of a MultiParadigmDatabase. If a column is designated an "integer", then it may indeed be stored as binary. This is just an implementation/optimization issue and does not change what the DB user sees. Essentially such a transformation is considered "hidden compression".) Related "type" info: TagFreeTypingRoadMap.

<--- Requirements are Fuzzy ----- Medium ----- Requirements are Settled --->
Spreadsheet...MultiParadigmDatabase...DynamicRelational....Traditional RDBMS


<--- Requirements are Fuzzy and/or low-volume ---------- Requirements are Settled and/or high-volume --->
Spreadsheet.............................................................................Traditional RDBMS


And note that by incrementally adding constraints/types, a MPDB can morph into something pretty close to a traditional ("static") RDBMS, although its dynamic roots may impose performance penalties versus a direct RDBMS. As I've said elsewhere, one would typically only use a MPDB if flexibility is deemed more important than performance concerns and/or hardware costs. BigDesignUpFront is not always possible and/or practical. -t

CategoryDatabase, CategoryPlanning, CategorySpeculative, CategoryCriticism
