Move Thread Mode To Discussion Page

last modified: March 5, 2004

[It's nice to be writing up an established pattern rather than making yet another suggestion -- PhilGoodwin]

Often the value of a page will be compromised by a ThreadMode discussion erupting in the middle of it. The discussion has value and may even make a contribution to the overall information content of the page, but the organization and mood of the page may be severely damaged. While it is often possible to summarize the ThreadMode it is not always desirable either because it might hamper further discussion or because it is so difficult to do properly and without bias.


Create a new DiscussionPage for the ThreadMode discussion. Name it after the original page and append the word "Discussion" to connect yet distinguish the two. Move the ThreadMode discussion to the new page. Refactor the old page to make it true to its original intent and add a link at the end to the new DiscussionPage.

Participants on the DiscussionPage are still advised to FixYourWiki -- old discussions should be summarized or deleted when appropriate. The original page can still grow and change, just not in ThreadMode.

The result is that the original page is a valuable resource for readers while the DiscussionPage is available for contributors to air their differences and work out what they want to see on the original page.


See also: SeparateThreadsFromContent, SummariesOnTopDiscussionBelow

