Monopoly User Stories

last modified: December 28, 2013

Monopoly User Stories

These are the user stories that the PortlandXpUsersGroup is using for their demo exercises.

User story #1:

Create a playing board based on the standard Monopoly board and all related equipment.

Note: During initial planning game in front of group, the customer will have a fancy vision involving animation, sound, etc. This story will be split during the planning game.

User story #2:

Setup the playing board and equipment to allow between two to ten players.

User story #3:

Allow players to roll the dice and move their characters around the board, clockwise. Roll the dice to see who goes first. This highest roll begins the game.

User story #4:

Create a bank and identify one player to be the banker. The bank must be able to manage all the money transactions in the game, and manage property transactions. The bank must never run out of money.

User story #5:

Players can purchase a piece of property when they land on an un-owned parcel. The price depends upon the neighborhood.

User story #6:

Players must pay rent to the owner when they land on a piece of property that is already owned. The cost depends on the property and the number/type of improvements.

User story #7:

When a player rounds the board, they receive two hundred dollars from the bank.

User story #8:

If a player owes more than he can pay, he is bankrupt. He must make a settlement - with the player he owes, or the bank or both - by following the bankruptcy rules.

User story #9:

The game ends with the second bankruptcy. After the second bankrupt player settles, the remaining players tally their assets and the richest player wins.

User story #10:

Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time. This is the only method to obtain loans. Players cannot loan money to one another.

User story #11:

Players land in jail when they land on the "Go To Jail" space, they draw a "Go to Jail" card, or they roll three doubles in a row.

User story #12:

Players get can get out of jail by throwing doubles on any of the next three turns, using the "Get out of Jail Free" card if they have it, purchasing the "Get out of Jail Free" card from another player, or paying the $50 fine on either of the next 2 turns. If, on the third turn, the player doesn't roll doubles, she pays the $50 fine and moves forward the number of spaces rolled.

User story #13:

House rule: Tax money, jail money, etc., goes into the center of the board. When a player lands on the "Free Parking" space, he collects that money.

User story #14:

House rule: When a player lands on "Go" by direct count, she receives $400 rather than $200.

User story #15:

House rule: The free-parking kitty is seeded with $500. This rule can only be in effect when user story #13 is in effect.

User story #16:

Allow the players to choose which house rules they want before starting the game.

User story #17:

Provide "theme" boards so players can play in their own neighborhoods. Change the board graphics, the playing pieces, the real-estate prices, and the cards.

User story #18:

Players go to jail when they land on the "go to jail" space.

User story #19:

Players draw a card from the "community chest" or "chance" pile when they land on the corresponding square.

I have a question for the customer: User Story #11 says something about drawing a "Go to Jail" card ... What do you want us to do if Story #11 is scheduled before Story #19? Should we Split out some of Story 11 into its own Story #20?

I don't know if these stories were arranged with dependencies in mind. It seems that the "Go to Jail" story #11 cannot function without the concept of a card pile in story #20. The developer player would most likely have to move #20 into pile 1 and #11 into pile 2 -or- ask for a split, as you propose, if both are planned for the same iteration --MichaelLeach
