Monopoly Game

last modified: December 30, 2003

Monopoly is a popular board game in the United States of America and elsewhere. Players roll dice and move their tokens around a board containing properties. Players can buy unowned properties they land on, but when they land other players' properties, they must pay rent to the owners. Property owners can put houses and hotels on their properties to increase the amount of rent other players must pay. If a player cannot pay the required rent when landing on an owned property, that player is "bankrupt" and must turn over all holdings to the owner of that property and then leave the game. The object of the game is to be the last player who does not go bankrupt.

Insert your Microsoft monopoly jokes here.

The probabilities of landing on the spaces, and hence the expected payout from improvements on the properties, has been treated. See

See also FreeParkingRule

Try the new monopoly. It's the modern version of the old game monopoly. You can play with up to 6 players.

Things you need:

Every player gets a number. You write down every player's number, accompanied by his or her name. Then you roll the D6. If you roll the number of one of the players, that player wins the game. If you roll a number that is not owned by a player, roll again.

The beauty is, the odds of winning are exactly the same as the old monopoly =)

They are not. You can use psychology in the classic monopoly game.
