Free Parking Rule

last modified: October 26, 2003

A common HouseRule in MonopolyGame.

Any penalty money that would ordinarily go to the bank (usually from Chance or Community Chest cards) is instead placed into the centre of the board, and whoever lands on Free Parking (actually lands on, not just passes) receives all that money.

A variation is to start with $500, $1000, or $2000 in the center of the board, to which penalty money is added. The "seed money" is restored after the money is collected.

Do you find that this creates an imbalance in the game? Perhaps that's why it's not an official rule. (It isn't. Look for yourself.)

It also tends to make games go on forever, as no one ever goes bankrupt. I remember games where all four players had over $10,000 each. All the hotels were on the board, but even landing on Boardwalk was no big deal. --KrisJohnson

Our version of the Free Parking rule is to pay the $75 luxury tax there, and nothing else.

When I was a wee lad, there were a TON of kids on our street. One day, we took two monopoly boards and put the second board's GO on the first board's Free Parking. We then traversed the boards in a figure eight pattern. I can't remember if you had to have all 6 (or 4) of a color before it was a monopoly, but we ended up using different tokens (from Sorry and the like) because we ran out of the Monopoly tokens.

That game never ended.
