Misuse Story

last modified: April 24, 2002

This is stolen from the title of a paper in a recent conference. The paper was about Misuse Cases.

A MisuseStory spells out what should be done if a user attempts to get into a UserStory but does something unexpected. It is a parallel concept to the UML/Objectory idea of an Extended Use Case.

For example: if the UserStory is that the customer has asked to be able to input a number like 13 and get the square 169 back. Then a MisuseStory describes what to with input like "III" (output "IX"? reject with polite message? ).

The default is to treat misuse as erroneous. However a system can get more useful by adding functionality to handle misuse cases. The resulting misuse story is just a UserStory.

The only value in the term Misuse Story is to encourage people to make systems that do not reject mistakes but do good things in return.

Compare with a UserAntiStory.

