Here is MiniRubyWiki testing its own formatting codes:
From top to bottom, here's the features
- click the PenBird for RecentChanges (you can configure an explicit RecentChanges link if you like)
- everything from the thick grey bar down comes from transcluding the file wikiFormatSuite.xml
- click the green format_links to (client-side) display the resources that test the Wiki link functions
- click the "edit" icon next to format_commands to display its resources in edit fields
- the test's content uses YamlAintMarkupLanguage, but you can use any pluggable fixture that responds to any kind of text in XML's attributes or text contents
- when you use YAML, the Wiki formats its lists as tables, and appends comments
- click the Test button to run the test, and display its results into the panel just below
- Per BroadbandFeedback, the test results can include images
- Enter a new title, and click Clone to replicate a test case. This permits rapidly adding new tests without manipulating the raw XML, or the raw Wiki source.
All of those features work without refreshing the current web page. (Think GMail ;-)
The project page and downloads:
Now double-click on LAUNCH.BAT , and navigate to that page.