Milli Peeve

last modified: November 10, 2005

A whimsical unit of measurement, used to measure strength of emotional reaction. While the SI unit is "Peeve" (Pv), the millipeeve (and the kilopeeve, used when you're really pissed off), are quite commonly found. The title of the page is MilliPeeve, because that's a better WikiWord.

The Peeve is defined as follows:

The peeve is a linear unit of measure; an event rated at two peeves pisses you off twice as much as a one-peeve event. Zero peeves is the standard for no emotional reaction whatsoever. Negative peeves may be used to measure happiness. Originally, this use was not standardized (and was regarded as incorrect by metrologists), but the International Bureau of Weights and Measures officially standardized the definition of a negative peeve in 1953.

A few other events, and their rating in peeves:

And, a few moments of happiness:

The related Imperial unit for emotional reaction is the wethen (wH)--pronounced as two words (i.e. "wet hen"). One wethen is retroactively defined in terms of SI units as equal to 1297.8942341 peeves, though 1.3 kPv is a common approximation used by laypersons. The aforementioned conversion factor only applies in the United Kingdom; an American wethen is slightly madder, at 1401.241231 Pv. Other Imperial units for madness, such as the hatter, are deprecated.

