Migs Paraz

last modified: March 16, 2004

Migs Paraz is checking if this would be a nice thing to try. He should describe himself, but he'll put that off. Maybe someone else would like to do it?

Hello to friends from PinoyExchange! Create your own page by putting your own name after the URL's question mark, replacing "MigsParaz." You can check AddingNewPages. Then add the link from here by editing this page, from the link below. See the TextFormattingRules for the format.

For example, here's a link to my own page: MigsParaz

Cool idea Migz -- HansenDy

MigsParaz is uninspired. - June 23, 2002

The home page of Migs is at http://mparaz.com

Check out Filipino tech blogs at http://blogs.techscene.com

