Microsoft Scripting Tools

last modified: October 18, 2004

MicrosoftScriptingTools refer to ScriptingLanguages for use in application development in MicrosoftWindows, including but not limited to WebScripting.

All? of the MicrosoftCorporation tools come under the branding of ActiveXscripting, with the best well known one being VbScript. See also WindowsScriptingHost

Scripting Tools from Other sources

JavaScript is the most widely used "third party" ScriptingLanguage.

Due to the market presence of MS, lots of srcipting tool providers from other environments often provide direct port of their application to MicrosoftWindows (e.g. see ).

Some scripting tools from the Unix world can be used after a suitable emulator is installed (e.g. CgyWin). And with Unix comes lots of ScriptingLanguage variants.


CategoryMicrosoft, CategoryScripting
