Microsoft Peabody

last modified: June 30, 2006

Peabody is the code name for a SmartPhone joint venture Microsoft made with Flextronics at 3GSMCongress 2005. The Singaporean partner is the largest contract maker for mobile phones. They are also the maker for X-box.

It is supposed to be a lowcost showcase product ("reference design" is the term) for WindowsMobile, runs on ThirdGeneration GPM/GPRS/EDGE networks. Other features include BlueTooth, 1.9 inch colour display and a megapixel web camera. See

JuneZeroFive news: software near completion. ref:,aid,121524,00.asp

The venture has all the hallmarks of MicrosoftWay.

WebApplication for MicrosoftPeabody

Smart RSS for WM5 at

RssFeeds reader without intermediary: example of a ?free software at

Jul05 UserStory may be of relevance. SmartPhone used to record PodCast at,41877

Questions and Answers

Is this "reference" phone a triband or quadband world phone?

PowerUsage considerations of this phone?

Bluetooth 1.2? (earlier version may not take BT keyboard / mouse)

Able to take a WiFi addon? And some software to do bandwidth management?

How will the wireless carriers (e.g. Sprint) impact its acceptability?

What resources left for software developers after all the manufacturer preset configurations are loaded?

What about its suitability in addressing SupplyChainManagement (an EnterpriseComputing example) needs?

