A very funny SciFi faux thriller. It had many big name players in it, like
- Pierce Brosnan
- Glenn Close
- Danny DeVito
- Michael J. Fox
- Natalie Portman
- Jack Nicholson
- Sarah Jessica Parker
- Martin Short
And it was directed by the incomparable Tim Burton.
(Technically, the name is "Mars Attacks!" with an exclamation point, but the exclamation point isn't allowed in the wiki name.)
See also MoviesToConsider
You have GOT to be kidding. This is one of the absolute worst movies I ever saw! -- DavidHurt
That's typical for this movie. Either you love it or you hate it. There is no in-between.
Loved it. URK!! AAUK!! :)
Like AttackOfTheKillerTomatoes, so bad it's good in its badness.
Except, I didn't think that AttackOfTheKillerTomatoes was trying to be bad, but this movie definitely was.
And, this movie stole a few elements (I don't consider it a tribute in this case) from AttackOfTheKillerTomatoes, and did a bad job of it. -- DanielKnapp
Translation: "Do not run. We are your friends."
This horrible misunderstanding was due to a bug in the translation software. What ACK ACK ACK ACK really means is "Why are you not running? Don't you know we here to kill you?". This is an easy mistake to make, because "Do not run. We are your friends" translates to ÅCK ÄCK ÃCK ÂCK
See also the TwilightZone episode "To Serve Man."
"We're coming in Peace. Fitz!"
Brilliantly funny... or a very bad film? Or a good film - in bad taste?
It falls into a popular genre appealing to sophomores, and other people whose topic of conversation includes the TV or movies they watch. But the more I watch of it, the more I wonder whether it's a style of humor that really works (for me).
The script must have been a gas to write, and the committee that crammed it together must have been rolling on the floor most of the time. It also 'tells well' afterwards - which is what matters when you're trying to popularize your movie.
But I had mixed feelings actually whilst I was watching it. A strong sense of the inconsequential, rather than the hilarious.
-- IanClark
One bit of cultural context that helps understand the appeal of the film (for those who liked it) is that Mars Attacks! came out about six months after that bombastic, brainless, ultra-nationalistic special effects blockbuster Independence Day, a movie also concerned with hostile aliens invading Earth. While it's not likely due to production schedules overlapping, many viewed MA as a rather wicked satire of ID4. More likely, Burton was satirizing/paying homage to the entire aliens-attack-the-Earth genre, from HerbertGeorgeWells on down. Independence Day just happened to appear at the right time, and be loud and obnoxious enough to make a fat, juicy target.
Michael J. Fox's role in the film made it for me. It's like poetry.
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