Marketing Message

last modified: September 11, 2003

One of the HolyGrail elements of classical marketing. A MarketingMessage is a simple message, targeted to a defined audience, that positions the product in the category and distinguishes it and, hopefully, makes it memorable. The MarketingMessage establishes the context of the promise you're making your potential customer or user. The MarketingMessage may be one of several, but a campaign or positioning program generally can't handle more than a few.

Good MarketingMessages are long remembered and have long useful lives. Bad ones are forgotten or of no particular value. You may craft a MarketingMessage that tells a lie. It may be remembered, but it won't work if the promise can't be kept.

-- First thoughts on Halloween 1999 -- MartyHeyman

Good marketing messages can be measured by their effectiveness. -- StephanBranczyk

A few examples of good marketing messages:

On the Philips jingle

The song never actually influenced my purchasing decisions. However, on multiple occasions it did motivate me enough to walk across a frozen campus on late Saturday evenings to 'get a few more hours in' on whatever EE project I was working on at the time.

See Also: ExtremeMarketing
