For UserScreens, consider that some features are mandatory, while others may be made Optional via PersonalizedConfiguration DonaldNoyes.DoingStuff.20121202
While working with a program which displays information similar to a WikiPage, I had added a number of auxiliary controls which show associated information which I find useful. During considerations on what features to include or exclude, the notion occurred, What if someone else doesn't want to see all that stuff. As each individual is different, so are their ideas of what is important. The solution: make some features mandatory, (always display) and others Optional being displayed only because they were included in default configuration possibilities by the user in a "configuration screen", or that they may be included (presented) by activation by menu or control buttons. This is presently a considered approach to a program called NysLte2013. It is a process by which LessIsMore is applied.
This can be applied to any software, including software displaying WikiPages, making it far more UsefulUsableUsed.
WeNeedExamples of possible configurations:
PersonalWiki example:
- Mandatory
- Raw Wiki Page - The page with hyperlinks active, allowing navigation to other pages , displayed as WikiLinks (blue underlined) within the page
- FindPage
- BackLinks for this page
- EditThisPage
- Last Edit of Page
- SimilarPages
- PageCategories
- Raw Wiki Page - The page with hyperlinks active, allowing navigation to other pages , displayed as WikiLinks (blue underlined) within the page
- Optional
- Controls with DisplayedList of SelectableArtifacts, as in a Combo or List boxes
- Pages pointing here -BackLinks
- This page points to - ForwardLinks
- Pages viewed this session - PagesVisited
- Unduplicated words within page - PageWords
- Page occurs on other Federation or SisterSites - FederatedPages
- Pages with similar title words - LikePages
- Pages with similar or related content - LikeContent
- Alternate Display Patterns
- Multiple pages per display - as in - DisplayingIframesBySelection
- Tabbed Display - with additional alternative renditions or feature selections
- Page created as a pdf
- Page Edit form
- Page statistics
- Controls with DisplayedList of SelectableArtifacts, as in a Combo or List boxes