Make An Elsewhere

last modified: February 23, 2005

A technique for dealing with SensitiveOffTopic pioneered by BenKovitz's GreenLightWiki. If someone is determined to do things to wiki that offend your sensibilities, don't delete 'em - just create a wiki for the OffTopic subject and ask them to do the hosting work for it. Or ask Ben to create the new wiki - he's a very hospitable chap and would be only too happy to help. Then, if you're diplomatic enough, you might just get the offender to shift.

But some offenders are not likely to budge. What they crave is the attention they get on wiki. Moving to BenKovitz' GreenLightWiki is likely to lead to anonymity. And they want the attention they can "steal" (thanks to DanMuller for this formulation) from the one and true original WardsWiki.

Nowadays, one can create a new wiki in less than 10 minutes, for free, at almost any WikiFarm.
