LogansRunSyndrome depicts the state of the world where individuals lead an idyllic lifestyle until they are TooOld, then members of that community are expected to quietly submit to euthanasia. Those who refuse are hunted down and "neutralised".
That's not a syndrome reflecting the real world; that's the plot of the movie. While age discrimination exists, I'm not aware of any contemporary society that euthanizes the middle-aged, nor hunts down those who refuse to submit.
The 1976 movie Logan's Run differs from the book in many ways--it places the age of "sleep" at 30, while the book calls it 21. Presumably the movie was changed to reflect the "don't trust anyone over 30" mantra of the time. According to the filmmakers, it was because the actors they wanted were TooOld.
The book is significantly more insightful and less absurd than the movie in many ways.
Sometimes, the term refers to corporations that (illegally) staff themselves primarily with young developers who are eager to work long hours (and inexperienced/gullible enough to believe company tripe about being "in this together"), burn them out, and then let them go when they reach a certain age (and start demanding higher salaries and more time with families, etc). Usually, the termination is for (alledgedly) failing to keep up with expectations (expectations which require continuous and excessive overtime to have a chance of meeting).
Early retirement for the StillBeautifulMind :(
For an example of such a company, see ElectronicArts.
For another, go read the bottom of TerminationQuota; the existence of a TerminationQuota is a sure sign of LogansRunSyndrome at work.