"Describe LinuxCommunity here".
There's not enough room! But here's some of my thoughts relative to SmalltalkLanguage success there.
- Linux is a 'community' effort. It is not a vendor effort. Vendors may play a role in the Linux community, but they are just one of the players, on equal basis with everyone else.
- One of the things that has allowed the Linux phenomenon (and other popular OSS projects) to blossom is the internet. Much like this Wiki, there are web sites that have more or less become enculturated as Linux Meccas of gathering. Smalltalk needs to have a presence there. And that presence needs to be a community presence, not just one lone individual or company tooting their horn. There shouldn't be a week go by that a link to something new and cool in the ST community shows up at the Linux Weekly News (http://lwn.net) development page. We the community submit those things.
- Money being made in the Linux world seems to be based on the VAR model and consulting. I see no reason the same can't be true for vendors today.
- what else?
Some more Links:
- http://slashdot.org /
- http://freshmeat.net Software announcements
- http://lwn.net/daily Daily Linux news.
- http://www.linux.org.uk/diary/ Alan's diary
- http://kernelbook.sourceforge.net/wiki/?FoundationsOfLinux KernelWiki!
See also: OpenSource