Link Name Is Page Name

last modified: December 17, 2005

LinkNameIsPageName is a special case of AutomaticLinkGeneration, where each link name links to the page with a page name that equals the link name. (e.g., any link named "FnordTheory" takes you to the page FnordTheory.)

In this case link names and page names form the same NameSpace.

One important result of LinkNameIsPageName is AccidentalLinking - when someone makes up a WikiName for which there is already a page, they will unexpectedly be linking to that page. This is a significant contribution to one wiki purpose: shared meaning generation/conversation.

For this reason, it is one of several suggested WikiPrinciples.

WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo in this WikiForum is only one technique.

Navipress used to have a "link suggester" that worked much like a spell checker - it would pick out noun phrases from the text (English only, sorry) and query a database to suggest possible link targets. The drawback was that there never was a decent database of potential links; now that we have Alexa and other such dbs it might be worth trying again.

(moved from AutomaticLinkGeneration)

A WysiwygWiki could implement a DragAndLinkOption, generating a link name from the first words of a selected text. -- FridemarPache (from AutomaticLinkGeneration)

CategoryNaming CategoryWiki
