Linda Language

last modified: October 30, 2007

A set of primitives orthogonal to implementation languages (such as SmalltalkLanguage, LispLanguage, CeeLanguage, JavaLanguage, etc.) that implement operations on a TupleSpace, for use in parallel and DistributedProgramming environments. Created by DavidGelernter and popularized by DG and NicholasCarriero.

There are four fundamental operations:

These operations open up the possibilities of DataStructures in TupleSpaces. Sets become more important....

Please add material and correct me if I'm wrong!

-- AllanBaruz

DG and Carriero refer to Linda as a "coordination language": its job is to tie together components which can be written in different languages. FlowBasedProgramming shares this characteristic, as it is a connection language, rather than a ProgrammingLanguage in the conventional sense. FBP components also communicate by means of structured data objects which exist in their own space, rather like Linda's TupleSpace. They differ from Linda's tuples in that they travel across BoundedBuffer connections between components, rather than being retrieved associatively. -- PaulMorrison

{What is the pattern language? or is that user-defined?},

See also YaleLindaGroup, LindaEtymology, JavaSpaces

CategoryProgrammingLanguage (sort of)
