The opposite of a RedneckSmalltalker:
You are a LiberalPinkoCommieSmalltalker if
You choose to live in countries with comprehensive national health services and do not take out private health insurance even if working (undercover) in a 'city'bank
You support gun control
You travel to work by public transport
... and don't own a car
... and don't know how to drive
... alternatively you may cycle in
So that you can keep writing code while commuting
... except when cycling in
You write class comments
... and sometimes even method comments
You also write documentation (red cover optional)
... but not too much (save those trees!)
You use a neat testing framework
...religiously (using this word, as always, as a metaphor)
...even if those rednecks wrote it
Refuse to smalltalk with Austrians (the nationality, or the economic school? ;-)
...unless they commit treason
You think it's great that Smalltalk treats every object equally to every other object
... in fact, you've redefined Object== to make this the case :-)
You describe refactoring as "class struggle"
Every class is a working class
You dismiss SOAP-based systems, because they are only for the "chattering classes"
I think it must be significant, somehow, that this page is decidedly not funny, unlike RedneckSmalltalker.
refactoring="class struggle" is funny as hell. -- RedneckJavaProgrammer
Some conversation on what makes a political orientation Liberal was moved to WhatIsLiberal.
I think I HaveThisPattern, and I'm not at all convinced that's a good thing. :-) -- AdamBerger
CategorySmalltalk CategoryHumor