Lecturing To Idiots

last modified: February 26, 2012

This is the practice of lecturing to an audience who truly, fundamentally does not understand what's being lectured. This is in contrast to, say, practicing a speech with someone who does not understand its contents.

Would writing books "for dummies" be an example of this?

Arguably not, as the "For Dummies" books aren't actually written for dummies; the term is a marketing ploy that plays off of peoples' insecurities.

Yeah, man. True LecturingToIdiots involves speaking (or writing) to people who don't even know that they do not know, and they're not even insecure about it. This means that the lecturer is lecturing from the bottom of a dark epistemological pit.

More likely the lecturer is an intolerant blowhard who accepts no ideas but his own. People are diverse. Get used to it.

See also LaoTse #27:

The strong must guide the weak
The weak are raw material to the strong.
If the guide is not respected
Or the material is not nurtured
Confusion will result no matter how clever one is.


SesameStreet is brought to you today by the Higgs Boson and the Hegelian dialectic.

There is a difference between lecturing to the stupid and lecturing to the ignorant. Too many people confuse the two, assuming that because someone doesn't know something they must be idiots.

How many of you know the second law of thermodynamics? How many of you know how to juggle MillsMess? Ignorance does not make you stupid. Well, not necessarily, anyway.

The page title brings up a RudenessObjection, methinks. The assumption is that you are lecturing to idiots. Perhaps more basic work is required before the audience can be lectured to? I certainly HaveThisPattern. There was one client a few years ago who didn't realize they didn't know a basic specification for their new product that would seriously impact its usefulness. I tried to lecture them, but they weren't ready. So, I had to educate them on the factors involved before I could lecture. Then they could ignore me from an informed perspective.

Were they idiots? Well, yeah -- but not because they didn't know the material, just because they made really dumbass decisions even after being informed about all the considerations involved. The lecturing part had nuthin' to do with it.

-- MartySchrader

This is the practice of lecturing to an audience who truly, fundamentally does not understand what's being lectured. This is in contrast to, say, practicing a speech with someone who does not understand its contents.

I would argue that in this case the definition of Idiot is "willfully ignorant" person.

I believe that the sufferers of the Dunning Kruger effect are a good example of the lectured idiots?
