It is possible to transform Wiki source code to LaTex source rather than HTML. This approach allows you to create readable dumps of wikis to a report or book format. If you include all the pages in a wiki in the resulting LaTex file, you can convert WikiLinks into page references.
A normal WikiWikiWeb doesn't really provide the structure to allow full book dumps; some kind of sequencing and structuring is required, which a classic wiki doesn't really do.
One structuring method that has yielded some interesting results for me is to convert a wiki to a tree structure. Here's how;
- Your homepage is the root tree node. Every page linked from the homepage is a level 1 node/page.
- Each page linked from a level 1 page is a level 2 node.
- Continue recursively, but never include a page more than once in the tree.
It's a pretty good way to establish a sequential, tree-based structure, which works pretty well for bringing some useful structure to a site dump.
See also LatexWiki.