AreYouThere? November 20, 2003; last edited August 8, 2001.
A new explorer into this system. Not a programmer, but have been using computers since the early 80s, starting with an Apple II and the first IBM. I am interested in this system as a tool for collaborative composition in hypertext.
My current email is
CommentsByLarry on using this system.
TechnologyToolsTechniquesTrainingTasksTeams -- 5 domains of technology
This is an intro to GaiaGathering
REEEE = RelevantEffectiveEfficientEnjoyableElegant -- 5 dimensions for evaluation
GADEE = GrowAdaptDevelopEvolveEmerge - 5 modes of change
Moved from CommentsByLarry
I am a little frustrated by the spellchecker. I like to "coin" new words, but this system, flags me to not use words not in the existing vocabulary - even in text such as this, as well as for links. I can't even refer to WikiWiki!
I want to use the term "cyweb" - but it was flagged. -LarryVictor
The spellchecker is not the government.
You can consider the spellchecker nothing more than an ignoramus with a big dictionary who makes suggestions. (That's what it is, of course.) Your judgement can always override the spellchecker. --BenKovitz (who prefers the 'e' after the 'g' in 'judgement')
Thanks Ben, and the other commentor. Such quick response! So quick that I have been unable to edit "my own" page, as the above edits came in after me and I was attempting to edit a prior version. How do people get alerted to a new entry so quickly? Do some people watch the recent edits and jump in with help? My visits to Wiki always begin with RecentChanges. --bk
Does this mean I can ignore the messages from the SpellingChecker? It says that the add to dictionary is not now functional. -LarryVictor
It would be a pity, if creativity were hampered by a spellchecker.
Treat the words listed as advice only. If you want the best presentation, cut and paste your text from a word-processor where you can spell-check and syntax-check it properly. See StartingPoints for links you might like as bookmarks. -- vk
n.b. use of ' -- ' before your name is customary (as pages are occasionally searched on this basis). [Also, it's easier to read.]
Relying on spellcheckers can cause many typos to remain. Another option is to pretend the spellchecker doesn't exist and reread what you just wrote. -- OneOfThoseSpellingBeeWinnersYouAlwaysHated
Isn't it interesting that the word "spellchecker" is flagged?
These two words were once merely friends, content to live alongside each other separated by a space. Recently they have become fond of each other and share a beautiful little hyphen as a sign of their mutual esteem. While they have not yet joined together in matrimony, they do seem to be coming together more and more often. I'm sure they blush a little when they are caught together without their hyphen.