Laplace Transform

last modified: January 11, 2004

The LaplaceTransform is given by the expression: L{f(t)}, = Integral of (f(t).exp(-s.t)) between the limits of 0 and infinity. The LaplaceTransform of f(t) is also denoted by F(s).

t = time, s = a + i.w, i = sqrt(-1), w = 2.PI.f, f = frequency and 'a' is the abscissa of convergence which is 0 for engineering problems.

Neat things about the LaplaceTransform of interest to engineers is that

The LaplaceTransform is used heavily in electronics and electrical circuits to simplify analysis. For example, the response of a simple circuit of a resistor, capacitor and inductor in parallel, subjected to a sinusoidal stimulus is described in the time domain by an integrodifferential equation that is tricky to solve. Transforming the problem into the S domain results in a simple algebraic expression that is simple to solve.

More usefully, to evaluate the overall response of a set of cascaded systems requires convolving the time impulse responses of those systems. In the S domain the overall response can be found by multiplying the transforms of each subsystem - much easier.

See also TransferFunction

