Knowledge Worker Bee

last modified: October 22, 2004

Knowledge Worker Bees make knowledge, because it's their nature ... it's the thing to do ... it's the thing that makes them happy ... Knowledge Worker Bees work with other Knowledge Worker Bees to manage flat, SIMPLE, robust organizational structures by taking responsibility for fixing the mistakes that they find in order to make things work better. Knowledge Worker Bees avoid most political fights and managerial headaches; instead, they focus on understanding the fundamental nature of problems and finding robust solutions. Sounds like a WikiGnome.

Problems, especially those turning up in organizations, often don't have a "fundamental nature" that everyone agrees upon ... after all, if PairProgramming didn't involve some disagreements, it would be an AntiPattern ... why not double the output from a two isolated individual programmers? Anyone's idea of a robust solution will not usually be exactly the same as the next person's idea. So politics and confrontation are a necessary part of reality within almost every organization, every team, every pair. However, turmoil is not something to be avoided at all costs -- in fact, it may be an indicator that the team is getting VERY close to the solution.

A KnowledgeWorkerBee must believe that all problems are solvable, but it is not always necessary to solve something NOW. (That would constitute a FalseDichotomy.) If the politics surrounding the problem and solution are unavoidable, it is best to be certain that confrontation is required. If confrontation appears necessary, a SocraticDialogue is one possible approach to finding realistic solution even if a SocraticDialogue is inherently dangerous.

If you are an intelligent and creative person, you can choose to be a Knowledge Worker Bee ... you do not necessarily have to see everything that your company does as a candidate for the WorstPractices archive, complain incessantly about your PointyHairedBosses and buy lots of distractions in order to cope with one KnowledgeWorker DeathMarch after another. Conversely, enjoying the daily aggressive EightHourBurn as a KnowledgeWorkerBee absolutely does not mean one sees the FortyHourWeek as an AntiPattern.

-- MarkBruns

I guess this makes me a KnowledgeWorkerBee. ;-> -- JeffPanici, Worker Bee Solutions

