Kay Desktop Environment

last modified: July 20, 2014

Currently the primary alternative to the GnomeDesktopEnvironment.


KDE3.3 available Aug04

Why KnoppixLinux chose KDE http://trends.newsforge.com/trends/04/09/07/1351233.shtml?tid=137

KDE SC 4.0 is a new version starting from a release in 2008.

This has a component called NepomukKde which is an implementation of an ontology for a semantic desktop.

See http://nepomuk.kde.org and article in Linux Magazine Issue 151 June 2013 (UK).

So then this guy sits down next to me in StarBucks, with the exact same model of laptop as mine... and boots it up into the exact same version of Ubuntu as mine... and it comes up in GnomeDesktopEnvironment instead of KDE. >HAH!< --PhlIp

Gnome was the default when I put mine up, or else a choice I made. I am on 10.4 and I am used to the interface. I have seen more recent versions of Gnome and cannot find anything. Kay is fairly similar, I now have both and can choose at log in time. A first run of the indexing program is taking all day to index what is on the system and is currently using 2 Gbytes of memory, but not hogging the CPUs. -- JohnFletcher

See also KdeVsGnome

