The fact that something is not found does not mean that it does not exist.
When I worked in a chemistry lab (setting up automated generation of reports), we never used "not found". We did however used "not detected (ND)" which means either there was not any present, or our test didn't happen to find it in the part of the sample we used, or it might have even been there but below the threshold of sensitivity for the test, or it was detected but at a lower level than the relevant regulatory is interested in so we put ND to help our clients present their closing reports to the regulators. - ChrisBaugh
Of course if it's not found, that really means someone needs to add a page for it at that WikiPedia thingy.
Used by those who FixYourWiki to indicate sites (urls) which are no longer content sites.
- found in BrokenLink lines
- When the site is locatable, a OutsideWiki site is entered at the bottom of the page as a "try" this site