John Mc Phee

last modified: June 26, 2006

Author of:

Possibly his most important book, since 9/11, is The Curve of Binding Energy ISBN: 0374515980

20 years ago, he explored with physicist and nuclear weapons designer Ted Taylor how easy it would be for a terrorist to construct such a compact weapon, given some competence and a lot of perseverance. One of the scenarios discussed is bringing down WTC with a small nuke -- ClaudeMuncey

He has a web site:

JohnMcPhee is my favorite author. He seems to deliberately challenge himself by choosing topics that most people would find dull; he finds ways to make them interesting. He knows something that the BBC also knows: to make a topic interesting, find someone who is fascinated with that topic and let them go. McPhee's books usually turn out to be partly an exposition of the topic at hand, and partly a profile of one or a few people he encountered whose lives revolve around that topic. The people are fascinating, and their love for the topic is usually infectious. -- GlennVanderburg

La Place de la Concorde Suisse is the only one of his books that I have read but it is a wonderful piece of writing, informative and insightful. -- RobertField

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